Carpinxo's Band

Carpinxo's Band

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Carpinxo's Band

Carpinxo's Band

Radio City Valencia. Santa Teresa, 19. Vedere mappa



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Carpinxo's Band @ RADIO CITY VLC

8,25 €

Prezzo finale. Commissioni di gestione incluse.

Totale 0,00 €


Carpinxo´s band (el roedor más grande del planeta), nace del amor a la música negra americana, concretamente entre las décadas de los 50 y 60, desde Otis Redding, Fats Domino, James Brown y Sam Cooke pasando por The Platters, Temptations, Wilson Pickett, Elvis Presley, Ray Charles y un largo etcétera.

La banda, compuesta por cinco músicos con dilatada experiencia en el mundo del espectáculo, mantiene su formación prácticamente intacta desde 2017 año de su creación, está formada por Claudio Auvieux a la batería y coros, Jesús Hernández al bajo y coros, Attilio Nava guitarra solista y coros, Josetxu Najar al saxo y Miguel Roca voz principal y guitarra rítmica. Una de sus principales cualidades es crear un clímax alto de interacción con el público de manera que durante el concierto pueda sentirse parte de la banda.


Carpinxo’s band (the biggest rodent on the planet), was born from the love of American black music, specifically between the decades of the 50s and 60s, from Otis Redding, Fats Domino, James Brown and Sam Cooke through The Platters, Temptations, Wilson Pickett, Elvis Presley, Ray Charles and a long etcetera.

The band, composed of five musicians with extensive experience in show business, keeps its line-up practically intact since 2017 year of its creation, is formed by Claudio Auvieux on drums and backing vocals, Jesús Hernández on bass and backing vocals, Attilio Nava lead guitar and backing vocals, Josetxu Najar on sax and Miguel Roca lead vocals and rhythm guitar. One of their main qualities is to create a high climax of interaction with the audience so that during the concert they can feel part of the band.

In questo caso il promotore non ha specificato la politica di accesso ai minori, per qualsiasi dubbio ti invitiamo a contattarlo direttamente.


Organizzato da

Radio City / Entradas también disponibles en taquilla 30 minutos antes de cada concierto o show

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